Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Nr 1, vol. 21, 2009 - page 43

| 1 | 2009
Klinisk Biokemi i Norden
Do you want to be a part of a Nordic society of clinical
biochemists, to help develop our common speciality?
We want to gather the future generation of specialists in
an unusual, but already traditional course.
The seminars include a variety of subjects from orga-
nization and logistics, quality assesment to the financial
crisis and its influence on our work.
Still the most important goal is to get to know each
other and to strengthen our professional relationships.
The course and lodgings will take place on T/S
Helene, a genuine sailing ship. With the help of a pro-
fessional crew we`ll visit habours in the Baltic sea. No
previous sailing experience is required.
The teachers are Per Simonsson, Ingunn
Thorsteinsdottir, Palle Wang, Inga Zelvytè, Mattias
Aldrimer and Bess Frøyshov.
We´ll meet on Thursday at noon in Ystad 3th of
September and say goodbye Sunday at noon on the 6th
of September.
The course is open for clinical biochemists and
chemists in postgraduate specialist training in
Scandinavia. The maximum number of participants is
14 and the minimum is 10.
The course will be fully financed by NFKK and KBN.
You can read more about the previous course in
Klinisk Biokemi i Norden, nr 3, 2008.
For further information and registration before 1st of
June; send an e- mail to Bess Frøyshov at frob@sb-hf.no
Nordisk kurs för yngre läkare 2009
The clinical biochemist in a landscape of integrated laboratory medicine.
Speciallægeuddannelse- kursus, erikoislääkärikoulutuskurssi, spesialistutdanningskurs, ST.-kurs.
T/S Helene, Ystad, Sweden
3. - 6. september 2009
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