Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Nr 2, vol. 30, 2018 - page 16

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Klinisk Biokemi i Norden · 2 2018
kromatos och refraktär järnbristanemi har använd-
ningen av det ännu inte etablerats i Finland. För
närvarande beställs bara ca 250 st. analyser om året
från HUSLAB. En delorsak till den låga populariteten
torde vara att det i Finland inte gjorts några större
utredningar eller forskningsprojekt kring hepcidinets
användbarhet vid diagnostisering av järnämnesom-
sättning och anemi. Det verkar dock som om intresset
för hepcidinbestämning ökat den senaste tiden både
inom klinisk hematologi och bland forskare.
1. Mitchell CJ, Shawki A, Ganz T, Nemeth E,
Mackenzie B. Functional properties of human
ferroportin, a cellular iron exporter reactive
also with cobalt and zinc. Am J Physiol Cell
Physiol 2014;306:C450-9.
2. Preza GC, Pinon R, Ganz T, Nemeth E. Cellu-
lar catabolism of the iron-regulatory peptide
hormone hepcidin. PLoS One 2013;8:e58934.
3. Galesloot TE, Vermeulen SH, Geurts-Moe-
spot AJ, Klaver SM, Kroot JJ, van Tienoven D,
et al. Serum hepcidin: Reference ranges and
biochemical correlates in the general popula-
tion. Blood 2011;117:e218-25.
4. Qiao B, Sugianto P, Fung E, Del-Castillo-
Rueda A, Moran-Jimenez MJ, Ganz T, et al.
Hepcidin-induced endocytosis of ferroportin
is dependent on ferroportin ubiquitination.
Cell Metab 2012;15:918-24.
5. Nemeth E, Valore EV, Territo M, Schiller G,
Lichtenstein A, Ganz T. Hepcidin, a putative
mediator of anemia of inflammation, is a type
II acute-phase protein. Blood 2003;101:2461-3.
6. Ryan E, Ryan JD, Russell J, Coughlan B,
Tjalsma H, Swinkels DW, et al. Correlates of
hepcidin and NTBI according to HFE status
in patients referred to a liver centre. Acta
Haematol 2014;133:155-61.
7. Maurer E, Gutschow M, Stirnberg M. Hepa-
tocyte growth factor activator inhibitor type
2 (HAI-2) modulates hepcidin expression by
inhibiting the cell surface protease matrip-
tase-2. Biochem J 2013;450:583-93.
8. Kautz L, Jung G, Nemeth E, Ganz T. Erythro-
ferrone contributes to recovery from anemia
of inflammation. Blood 2014;124:2569-74.
9. Kroot JJ, Tjalsma H, Fleming RE, Swin-
kels DW. Hepcidin in human iron disor-
ders: Diagnostic implications. Clin Chem
10. Archer NM, Brugnara C. Diagnosis of
iron-deficient states. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci
11. Detivaud L, Nemeth E, Boudjema K, Turlin
B, Troadec MB, Leroyer P, et al. Hepcidin
levels in humans are correlated with hepatic
iron stores, hemoglobin levels, and hepatic
function. Blood 2005;106:746-8.
12. Ganz T, Nemeth E. Hepcidin and iron
homeostasis. Biochim Biophys Acta
13. Ikeda Y, Tajima S, Izawa-Ishizawa Y, Kihira
Y, Ishizawa K, Tomita S, et al. Estrogen regu-
lates hepcidin expression via GPR30-BMP6-
dependent signaling in hepatocytes. PLoS
One 2012;7:e40465.
14. Papanikolaou G, Tzilianos M, Christakis JI,
Bogdanos D, Tsimirika K, MacFarlane J, et al.
Hepcidin in iron overload disorders. Blood
15. Pasricha SR, McQuilten Z, Westerman M,
Keller A, Nemeth E, Ganz T, et al. Serum
hepcidin as a diagnostic test of iron deficiency
in premenopausal female blood donors. Hae-
matologica 2011;96:1099-105.
16. Pietrangelo A. Hepcidin in human iron dis-
orders: Therapeutic implications. J Hepatol
17. Itkonen O, Parkkinen J, Stenman UH, Hämä-
läinen, E. Preanalytical factors and reference
intervals for serum hepcidin LC-MS/MS
method, Clin Chim Acta 2012;413:696-701.
18. Brissot P, Loréal O. Iron metabolism and
related genetic diseases: a clear land, keeping
mysteries. J Hepatol 2016;64:505-15.
19. Ganz T. Systemic iron homeostasis. Physiol
Rev 2013;93:1721-41.
20. Mleczko-Sanecka K, Roche F, da Silva AR,
Call D, D’Alessio F, Ragab A, et al. Unbiased
RNAi screen for hepcidin regulators links
hepcidin suppression to proliferative Ras/
RAF and nutrient-dependent mTOR signa-
ling. Blood 2014;123:1574-85.
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