Klinisk Biokemi i Norden · 3 2015
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Hvis du gikk glipp av kongressen, kan du få med
deg mye ved å lese ”Opinion paper” publisert i Clini-
cal Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine som opp-
summerer kongressens foredrag [6]. Foredragene er
i tillegg publisert på kongressens nettside, se http://
Neste preanalytiske kongress skal avholdes i
Amsterdam våren 2017.
1. Guder WG. History of the preanalytical
phase: a personal view. BiochemMed (Zagreb)
2. Lang T. National Minimum Re‐testing Inter-
val Project. A final report detailing consensus
recommendations for minimum re‐testing
intervals for use in Clinical Biochemistry.
London: Association for Clinical Biochemistry
3. Simundic AM, Cornes M, Grankvist K, Lippi
G, Nybo M. Standardization of collection
requirements for fasting samples: for the Wor-
Gustave Eiffels jernbanebro.
king Group on Preanalytical Phase (WGPA) of
the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry
and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM). Clin Chim
Acta 2014;432:33-7.
4. Bjelkarøy WI, van den Berg K, Hager HB,
Saga AL, Sandberg S. National effort to reduce
pre-analytical errors on submitted samples
from primary care in Norway. [Abstract]. Clin
Chem Lab Med 2015;53: P036.
5. Kristensen GBB, Aakre KM, Kristoffersen AH,
Sandberg S. How to conduct External Quality
Assessment Schemes for the preanalytical
phase? BiochemMed (Zagreb) 2014;24:114-22.
6. Lippi G, Banfi G, Church S, Cornes M, De
Carli G, Grankvist K, Kristensen GBB et al.
Preanalytical quality improvement. In pursuit
of harmony, on behalf of European Federa-
tion for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory
Medicine (EFLM) Working group for Preana-
lytical Phase (WG-PRE). Clin Chem Lab Med