Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Nr 3, vol. 27, 2015 - page 8

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Klinisk Biokemi i Norden · 3 2015
Invitation to ”The Arctic Experience 2016”
Course in Scientific Writing and Publishing
January 26-29th, 2016
Finse 1222, Norway
Tor-Arne Hagve
The Scandinavian Journal of Clini-
cal and Laboratory Investigation
(SJCLI) and Nordic Society of Clini-
cal Chemistry (NFKK) hereby invite
colleagues from the Scandinavian
countries to participate in an exten-
sive course in scientific writing and
publishing. The Editorial Board of SJCLI will be
responsible for the program. The aim of the course
is to increase the awareness of the participants of the
importance of scientific writing and to train them in
writing a scientific manuscript. The course will be
organized in both structured lectures and in groups
of participants writing a scientific manuscript based
on given data and literature.
Finse is the southernmost part of Europe with an
arctic climate located at 1222 meter above sea level
and only accessible by train, from either Bergen or
). This
remote location has been selected in order to find the
necessary calm and tranquility for maximal focus on
the activities during the course as well as for team-
building and network forming.
The course is open for Nordic colleagues within the
field of medical biochemistry/clinical biochemistry/
clinical chemistry, primarily for those in postgra-
duate specialist training and/or involved in research
projects. The maximum numbers of participants is
20. The official language is English or a language
understandable for all participants.
The travel expenses have to be paid by the partici-
pants/institutions while the registration fee, housing
and meals are financed by NFKK and SJCLI.
Registration including a description of scientific
background, present position as well as experience
in writing manuscripts must be sent before October
31st 2015 to:
Tor-Arne Hagve
Address: Multidiciplinary laboratory medicine and
medical biochemistry, Akershus University Hospi-
tal, 1478 Lørenskog, Norway
Phone: +47-90510956.
Read more about Finse and the Artic Experience
in KBN (
The Arctic Experience 2008: KBN nr 2, 2008
The Arctic Experience 2010: KBN nr 2, 2010
The Arctic Experience 2012: KBN nr 2, 2012
The Arctic Experience 2014: KBN nr 3, 2014
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