Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Nr 3, vol. 25, 2013 - page 22

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Klinisk Biokemi i Norden · 3 2013
de metodemæssige udfordringer. Trekløverpeptidernes
fremtid som biomarkører er måske nok uafklaret, men
der hersker ingen tvivl om at kvantitative målinger af
peptiderne fortsat vil være et værdifuldt redskab i den
videre udforskning af peptidernes biologiske funktion,
og at det derfor er nødvendigt, at vi skaber valide assays
og enes om en vis standardisering.
Peptiderne har gennem deres beskyttende og hel-
lings-fremmende effekt på slimhinder samt deres evne
til at ændre sekreternes viskositet et enormt potentiale
som terapeutiske mål ved praktisk taget enhver pato-
logisk tilstand, der involverer slimhinder – fra muco-
sitis til infertilitet. Fortsat forskning inden for feltet
må derfor siges at være både vigtig og vedkommende.
1. Samson MH. Quantitative measurements of
trefoil factor family peptides: possibilities and
pitfalls. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 2013;73:193–
2. Thim L, May FEB. Structure of mammalian
trefoil factors and functional insights. Cell Mol
Life Sci 2005;62:2956–73.
3. Kjellev S. The trefoil factor family - small pep-
tides with multiple functionalities. Cell Mol
Life Sci 2009;66:1350-69.
4. Mahmood A, Melley L, FitzGerald AJ, Ghosh
S, Playford RJ. Trial of trefoil factor 3 enemas,
in combination with oral 5-aminosalicylic
acid, for the treatment of mild-to-moderate
left-sided ulcerative colitis. Aliment Pharma-
col Ther 2005;21:1357–64.
5. Peterson DE, Barker NP, Akhmadullina LI,
Rodionova I, Sherman NZ, Davidenko IS, et
al. Phase II, randomized, double-blind, pla-
cebo-controlled study of recombinant human
intestinal trefoil factor oral spray for preven-
tion of oral mucositis in patients with colorec-
tal cancer who are receiving fluorouracil-based
chemotherapy. J Clin Oncol 2009;27:4333–8.
6. May FEB. The potential of trefoil proteins as
biomarkers in human cancer. Biomark Med
7. Vestergaard EM, Poulsen SS, Grønbaek H, Lar-
sen R, Nielsen AM, Ejskjaer K, et al. Develop-
ment and evaluation of an ELISA for human
trefoil factor 3. Clin Chem 2002;48:1689-95.
8. Vestergaard EM, Brynskov J, Ejskjaer K,
Clausen JT, Thim L, Nexo E, Poulsen SS.
Immunoassays of human trefoil factors 1 and
2: measured on serum from patients with
inflammatory bowel disease. Scand J Clin Lab
9. Wiede A, Hinz M, Canzler E, Franke K,
Quednow C, Hoffmann W. Synthesis and
localization of the mucin-associated TFF-
peptides in the human uterus. Cell Tissue Res
10. Samson MH, Vestergaard EM, Milman N,
Poulsen SS, Nexo E. Circulating serum trefoil
factors increase dramatically during pregnancy.
Scand J Clin Lab Invest 2008;68:369–74.
11. Samson MH, Poulsen SS, Obeid R, Herrmann
W, Nexo E. Trefoil factor family peptides in the
human foetus and at birth. Eur J Clin Invest
12. Samson MH, Chaiyarit P, Nortvig H, Ves-
tergaard EM, Ernst E, Nexo E. Trefoil factor
family peptides in human saliva and cyclical
cervical mucus. Method evaluation and results
on healthy individuals. Clin Chem Lab Med
13. Samson MH, Nexo E. Validation of commer-
cial assays for measurements of trefoil factor
family peptides in serum. Clin Chem Lab Med
Foto: Henrik Alfthan.
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