Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Nr 4, vol. 23, 2011 - page 11

| 4 | 2011
Klinisk Biokemi i Norden
as they relate to plasma nucleic acids. In no other field
do we see more overlap between genomics and clini-
cal biochemistry.
Kari Stefansson, CEO of DeCODE Genetics, will talk
about the genetics of complex diseases. DeCODE is cur-
rently involved in sequencing the genomes of thousands
of Icelanders. This information in conjunction with
extensive SNP association studies and a population-
based genealogy database will allow imputation of the
genome sequence of most Icelanders. How will that
information affect medical research and practice?
The workshops are designed to be more practical
in nature. We have identified key individuals with
special expertise to address important topics of cur-
rent relevance to clinical biochemistry. We will have
a workshop on the diagnosis of anemia of chronic
disorders and iron deficiency. The speakers will be
Tor Arne Hagve, professor at the University of Oslo
and director of the center for laboratory medicine at
Akerhus University Hospital, and Guenter Weiss, pro-
fessor of internal medicine
at the Medical University
of Innsbruck, Austria.
In a workshop on the patient and the lab we will
have two contributions. Eva Björk Guðmundsdót-
tir will describe the experience of a mother when an
asymptomatic child is diagnosed with an inborn error
of metabolism on newborn screening.
Barbara A. Zehn-
bauer, branch chief at Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, will discuss
direct-to-consumer testing.
The pros and cons of immunoassays vs. mass spec-
trometry is a frequent consideration in clinical bio-
chemistry. They will be described by two experts Outi
Itkonen, chemist in the Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecology at HUSLAB Helsinki University Central
Hospital, and Steve Soldin, director of the Bioanalyti-
cal Core Laboratory at Georgetown University Medi-
cal Center.
A workshop on scientific writing sponsored by the
journal Clinical Chemistry is aimed at clinical bio-
chemists in their formative stage. The workshop will
be organized by Thomas M. Annesley, deputy editor
of Clinical Chemistry. Nader Rifai, editor-in-chief of
Clinical Chemistry, will discuss publication ethics.
In the next issue of KBN I will describe the scientific
program further focusing on the symposia. Thank you
for the interest in the congress.
See you in Reykjavík!
Kongressens hemsida:
Foto: Henrik Alfthan
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