Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Nr 1, vol. 31, 2019 - page 36

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Klinisk Biokemi i Norden · 1 2019
Det er et kendt fænomen, at tilstedeværelse af
M-komponent kan resultere i en melding om sample
clot på Cobas 8000-apparatur – og det var netop
apparaturets melding om sample clot, der i sidste ende
førte til målingen af immunglobuliner. Således skal
denne case ses som en reminder om, dels at huske på
mulig M-komponent ved melding om sample clot –
men også at huske på, at prøvematerialets kvalitet kan
være kompromitteret ved visse (alvorlige) sygdoms-
tilstande – og at en fejlmelding fra apparaturet kan
være biologisk såvel som teknisk betinget.
Summary of an evaluation organised by SKUP
DIAQUICK Strep A Blue Dipstick
Sara Ekvall and Grete Monsen, on behalf of SKUP
The DIAQUICK Strep A Blue Dipstick is an in vitro
diagnostic rapid test for detection of
group A (Strep A). The product is intended
for professional use and the sample material is human
mucus from the pharynx and tonsils. The test is
produced by DIALAB GmbH. The SKUP evalua-
tion was carried out in winter/spring 2018 at the
request of Medic24 in Sweden.
The aim of the evaluation
The aim of the evaluation was to assess the analytical
quality and user-friendliness of DIAQUICK Strep A
Blue Dipstick, when used under real-life conditions
by intended users in primary health care.
Materials and methods
In four primary health care centres, two throat swab
samples were taken at the same time from 348 indi-
viduals with symptoms of pharyngitis. One swab was
used for measurement with DIAQUICK Strep A Blue
Dipstick, and the other swab was sent to a clinical
microbiology laboratory for analysis on a comparison
method (culturing of
Streptococcus pyogenes
). The
user-friendliness of the rapid test was assessed using
a questionnaire with three given ratings; satisfactory,
intermediate and unsatisfactory. The results and user-
friendliness were assessed according to pre-set quality
1. Lægehåndbogen.dk,
2. UpToDate.com,
Overview of the causes of
venous thrombosis.
3. Gertz MA, Kyle RA. Hyperviscosity
J Intensive Care Med 1995
: p. 128-41.
4. Lægehåndbogen.dk,
Onkologiske akutsitua­
5. Lægehåndbogen.dk,
Waldenstrøms makro­
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