Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Nr 3, vol. 23, 2011 - page 9

| 3 | 2011
Klinisk Biokemi i Norden
Inborn errors of metabolism and biochemical genetics
Therapeutic drug monitoring
Development of new biomarkers and proteomics
Cancer including tumor markers, biorhythms and
changes in cellular intermediary metabolism
Molecular diagnostics including next generation
sequencing of plasma DNA, genetics of complex
diseases and clinical practice in the era of whole
genome sequence of an entire population
Genetic origin of Icelanders
Peptide hormones and prohormones as diagnostic
markers in cardiovascular, inflammatory and neo-
plastic disease
Laboratory aspects of sports medicine
Pros and cons of immunoassay vs. mass spectrometry
Anemia of chronic disorders and iron deficiency
Patients´ response to laboratory results and direct
to consumer testing
As of now, more than 40 speakers have confirmed their
attendance. They come from all the Nordic countries,
other European countries, North America and Asia.
Besides symposia on these topics the programwill con-
tain symposia for the Astrup and Eldjarn Prizes. The
scientific committee welcomes suggestions for other
interesting topics to be included in the conference.
Of special interest to the younger members of our
profession, we are privileged to announce that the
journal Clinical Chemistry will have a symposium on
scientific writing. Writing for an internationally lead-
ing journal is a vital skill for ambitious young scientists.
In short, we aim to present the best possible program
at the best possible time of year in Iceland. Now we
need the best possible people to attend. Please join us
in Reykjavík in 2012!
Landmannalaugar, Island. Foto: Ingunn Þorsteinsdóttir.
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