Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Nr 1, vol. 15, 2003 - page 28

| 1 | 2003
Klinisk Biokemi i Norden
Kurser i Norden
Ansvarlig: Palle Wang (palle.wang@ouh.fyns-amt.dk)
To introduce the research student into the central
aspects of the haemostatic system in the develop-
ment of cardiovascular diseases, including the sig-
nificant aspects of genetics, laboratory work, dia-
gnosis, and treatment.
Epidemiologic and population genetic aspects in
cardiovascular diseases. The physiology of the co-
agulation system (mechanisms of activation and
inhibition). The physiology of the coagulation
system (mechanisms of activation and inhibition).
The significance of the presence of insulin resistan-
ce. The significance of the acute phase reaction,
including inflammation. Thrombolytic treatment.
DNA population studies. Intervention modalities
(pharmacologic, dietetic etc.), standardization of
laboratory analyse s and technical workshops.
Venue and date
The course will take place at the University of Sou-
thern Denmark, Niels Bohrs Vej 9, DK-6700 Esbjerg,
October 6 - 10, 2003.
PhD-students, physicians, and research students.
Professor Jørgen Jespersen, MD, DSc. Department
for Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine, University
of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg.
International experts (from Aarhus, Bergen,
Copenhagen, Leiden, London, Malmoe/Lund, and
the University of Southern Denmark).
DKK 6,500 (Free for PhD-students at the University
of Southern Denmark).
Course secretary
Hanne Lena Rasmussen. Phone 0045 6550 3851.
E-mail: hlrasmussen@health.sdu.dk.
The haemostatic system and cardiovascular diseases
- genetic, biochemical and clinical aspects
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