Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Nr 2, vol. 28, 2016 - page 20

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Klinisk Biokemi i Norden · 2 2016
demands. Half- life for C– peptide is app. ½ hour at
room temperature (4).
For part 2 and 3 the tube sent by the first trans-
port and analysed within app. 6 hours is used as “0
– sample”. Different papers show that the parameters
investigated in part 2 and 3 are stable for at least 6
hours at room temperature (5 – 10)
For Glucose 96.8 % of the results from the tubes
sent by the second transport same day as the blood
was drawn fulfill the demand for allowed deviation,
as do 98.9 % of the results from the tubes sent by the
first transport next day.
For Protime/INR 99 % and 100 % of the results from
the samples sent by the second transport same day and
the first transport next day fulfill the demand.
For the hematology parameters all components
fulfill the demand for allowed deviation if sent by the
second transport on the same day they were drawn.
All components except (B) Erythr – MCV (8.3 %) and
B – Hematocrit (29.2 %) fulfill the demand if sent by
the transport next day. Of unknown reason, there
were no results for Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Mono-
cytes and Lymphocytes in samples from 7 patients
sent by the second transport.
The results of the investigations show that all the
investigated components except Proinsulin-C-peptide
can be sent by courier transport within the same day as
they are drawn from the patient, without any prepara-
tion, if the samples are stored at 21 ± 1° C. Likewise
samples can be sent by the first transport the next
day if the samples for Calcium-ion, and Parathyroid
hormone have been centrifuged app. 30 minutes after
blood sampling.
Samples for (B) Erythr – MCV and B – Hematocrit
cannot be shipped the next day.
This study was supported in part by grants from the
Health Care Organisation of SouthernDenmark. A spe-
cial thank to Laboratory Technologist Ms. Nina Brøgger
for her excellent work in part one, which demanded a
strict logistic competence in collecting and preparing
the samples fromGPs.We appreciate the contribution of
the primary healthcare centers Lægehuset Kerteminde,
Tommerup, Skelvænget Assens andNr. Lyndelse in part
one and two, andLægehuset Kerteminde, Tommerup and
Skelvænget Assens in part three for providing samples.
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