Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Nr 1, vol. 24, 2012 - page 9

| 1 | 2012
Klinisk Biokemi i Norden
many ways. Ulrike Steuerwald (Hannover) will review
primary carnitine deficiency and other common IEMs
in the Faroe Islands, both clinical relevance and pit-
falls in diagnostics. Lars Mørkrid (Oslo) will describe
disorders of creatine metabolism and of cobolamins.
Piero Rinaldo (Rochester) will describe inborn errors
of metabolism diagnosable with newborn screening.
Molecular diagnostics are in a state of rapid transi-
tion. Gregg Tsongalis (Lebanon) will tell us about
miRNAs and describe how they are not part of the
junk in our genome. Bjarki Gudmundsson (Reykja-
vik) will describe two-dimensional electrophoresis of
nucleic acids to assess DNA damage and efficiency of
molecular methods.
There are many topics related to cancer that are of
interest to clinical biochemists. Elisabeth Paus (Oslo)
will review tumor markers in clinical chemistry high-
lighting recent advances. Helgi Sigurdsson (Reykjavik)
will present cancer as a cellular metabolic disease
Warburg was right after all) and George A. Bjarnason
Toronto) will discuss the implications of chronobio-
logy in cancer medicine.
We will have a session on interactive clinical cases
run by Danielle Freedman (Luton) and Mike Hall-
worth (Shrewsbury). The session aims to test - and
improve - your clinical interpretation skills in a fun
and interactive way!
In summary, we have put together a program that
should be of interest to a broad range of clinical bio-
chemists working in different settings. We hope to see
in Reykjavik in 2012.
Kongressens hemsida:
XXXIII Nordic Congress in Clinical
Chemistry, June 12
- 15
Reykjavik, Iceland -
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,...56
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