Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Nr 3, vol. 6, 1994 - page 33

Ansvarig: Palle Wang, Odense, fax +45 66 13 28 54
Reticulocyte analysis in the
Technicon H*3 Haematology
Apart from measurement of total counts, differen–
tial counts, indices etc. in blood cells, the H*3
includes reticulocyte analysis.
The microscopic reticulocyte count is cum–
bersame and has a high CV%. Automatisatian of
analysis will be a relieffor Jaboratory technicians
and provide better information for the clinicians.
The reticulocyte analysis on H* 3 provides a per–
centage reticulocyte count, the absolute reticulocyte
count and reticulocyte indices as cell volume, hae–
moglobin concentration and haemoglobin content
Furthermore, it provides information about the
amount of RNA in the cell which expresses its
degree of maturity. The appearance of immature
reticulocytes is one of the earliest signs of bone
marrow function after chemotherapy for malignant
For further information concerning Technicon
H*3 please contact:
Bayer Danmark
NS ,
phone 38177132
OY Suomen Bayer AB, phone 0358422
Bayer Norge
phone 67068600
Bayer Sverige AB, phone 31839800
Insulin measurement may be used for the following
• To assess residua! B-cell function, especially in
newly diagnosed cases of IDDM.
• To discriminate between IDDM and NIDDM.
• To diagnose the presence of insulinoma.
• To investigate the pathophysiology of diabetes
C-peptide measurements may be used for the
following clinical purposes:
• To assess residua! B-cell function in patients
treated with insulin and to distinguish between
Klinisk kemi
Norden 3, 1994
• To diagnose factitious hypoglycaemia
• To diagnose the presence of insulinoma.
• To assess residua! pancreatic tissue after
DAKO's Insulin and C-peptide kits are designed
as non-isotopic microplate enzyme immunoassays
to be used for measuring human serum and plasma
samples. In addition the C-peptide assay has a urine
The two kits are developed in cooperation with
NovoNordisk and utilise already well established
Novo Nordisk antibodies. Both products offer
significant actvantages over conventional methods.
The DAKO C-peptide kits offers excellent
sensitivity of< 0.05ng/mL (<16 pmol/L), a wide
working range of 0-12 ng/mL (0-4000 pmol/L),
and excellent precision.
TheDAKO insulin kit, unlikemost other products
on the market, is specific, having very low cross–
reactivity with proinsulin, and also offers excellent
sensitivity of <1J.!U/mL (<7 pmol/L), a wide
working range of0-180 J.!U/mL (0-180 J.!U/mL (0-
1200 pmol/L), and again excellent precision.
Both kits also offer a significant saving in time,
with a total assay time of only 90 minutes.
Particularlydeveloped for detection ofhigh-avidity
antibodies characteristic of systernie lupus
erythematosus (SLE) patients
The DAKO Anti-dsDNA ELISA Kit is designed
for measuring high avidity antibodies to dsDNA in
human serum in the range from
to 300 lU/mL. The
standards in the kit are calibrated against the WHO
dsDNA antibody standard.
The cut-offlevel ofthekit is set to
25 IU/mLfor
positive results.
By using this cut-off leve! a total of 384 serum
samples from healthy blood donors, and patients
with systernie lupus erythematosus (SLE),
progressive systernie sclerosis (SSc), primary
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