Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Nr 4, vol. 30, 2018 - page 9

Klinisk Biokemi i Norden · 4 2018
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congresses, seminars and meetings, advertising in
journals and other societies´ websites, writing articles,
Diskussionsforum, e-letters, and the grapevine . We
thought that it is good to have a graphic designer from
the beginning and almost succeeded in that. As there
are known challenges for a common “Nordic society
e-mail register”, we were grateful for the cooperation
of the sister clinical chemistry national societies in for-
warding and distributing of our announcements, and
not least for the friendliest cooperation with Anders
Kallner. According to the FQ our website got a result
4.1/5 as an information channel.
However, the scientific program has the heaviest
weight and significance in the marketing of a clinical
chemistry conference. It makes a scientific event come
true. We wished to have launched a final program
earlier than in the turn of the year 2018. However,
recruiting six keynote speakers and speakers for 14 ses-
sions was a big challenge. In the post-congress mood,
we were happy to succeed in that even in the realized
time. The speakers came from 16 different countries.
I want to thank for the speakers´ contribution which
was from the Nordic countries 72 % (46/64), from other
European countries 22 % (14/64), and USA + Australia
6 % (4/64). Very international! According to the FQ
the scientific content was regarded as 4.1/5, keynotes/
plenaries 4.2/5, parallel sessions 4.0/5, posters 3.3/5.
A postcongress finding was that the speakers took
extremely well the congress theme,
Information beyond
in the consideration in their presentations.
The winner of the Astrup Prize was Stefan Stender
and the winner of the Lorentz Eldjarn Prize Linda
Hilsted, both from Denmark. Seventy-six posters
were accepted for presentation and five selected for
oral presentation and competition for the best poster.
The Best Poster winner was Emilia Tuunainen from
University of Turku. All prizes were given at the Con-
gress Dinner.
Seventy-five per cent of the FQ repliers had partic-
ipated to the company sessions. The diagnostic com-
pany sessions dealed with Biomarkers in atrial fibrilla-
tion, High-sensitive troponin, Automated LC-MS/MS,
Sensitive troponins, Influence of healthcare digitaliza-
tion, Future trends in neonatal screening, Interference
of biotin in immunoassay and Quality control and
patient risk management. Many interesting titles and
valuable knowledge.
Designing the program was most challenging.
Opening on Tuesday afternoon including Get-together
Reception, and Closing on Friday at noon including
Closing Ceremony, set the frame for the whole timing
and we needed to compromise. Therefore, one should
consider better optimising than we did. There shall
be enough room in the program so that neither of the
The Poster Session & wine. Foto: Feng Deng.
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,...48
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