Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Nr 4, vol. 30, 2018 - page 8

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Klinisk Biokemi i Norden · 4 2018
In the NFKK2018 postcongress mood
Linko, Solveig
NFKK 2018, Past Congress Chair
The NFKK2018 science event
came true in the sunny Helsinki
at the Finlandia Hall last June.
According to the results from our
feedback questionnaire (hereafter
FQ) with response percentage
22 %, the delegates regarded the
event time as 4.4/5 and the con-
gress venue as 4.5/5. Much of
effort was put in the organising. And it was not only
the congress committees that worked for it, but also the
speakers, chairs of the sessions, diagnostic company
representatives, sponsors, exhibitors, auxiliary per-
sonnel and many collegial co-workers in the publicity
campaign. We can still remember the all-rounders´
music performances both at the Finlandia Hall and
at the Congress Dinner as if they were yesterday. My
warmest thanks to all of you.
Organising the congress was quite a journey. We
counted 34 meetings (on-site, skype, phone) in total
during about 2.5 years. Although every NFKK con-
gress has its own design, we thought, however, that it
was a good practice that both committee chairs were
members both in the organising and the scientific
committee. The Poster Evaluation Committee con-
sisted of the members of the Scientific Committee. As
the chair of the organising committee, I also reported
regularly to the national society board, FSCC about
the proceedings and critical issues.
As now looking back, regular risk assessment
would be worth of having on every formal agenda
during the congress journey. Luckily, only once we
needed to take plan B, and this was with the banquet
venue, Wanha Satama in Helsinki, that cancelled the
agreement quite late. Finally, the plan B Crowne Plaza
was even a better choice and not only for
practical reasons. Otherwise everything came out in
the wash. Active working, good cooperation in both
committees and with the congress secretary. A coming
event needs a lot of pre-announcing and marketing.
Surprisingly, there were quite many ways of congress
informing that we made use of: the official website,
scientific program, preliminary announcement flyer,
social media, rollups, postcards, participating at other
IFCC Past President Maurizio Ferrari as the
keynote speaker at the Opening Ceremony.
Foto: Feng Deng.
The two congress chairs, Kari Pulkki and Solveig Linko. Foto: Feng Deng.
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