Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Nr 4, vol. 27, 2015 - page 11

Klinisk Biokemi i Norden · 4 2015
 | 11
and the day was closed by Niels Heegaard on how
to find new biomarkers. The day ended in grandeur
with the Danish colleagues having arranged an after
class in the garden of Vilvorde. Our skills in basics
goldmining were exchanged for basic skills in sabe-
ring champagne.
Day 2: Goldmining and dinner by the ocean
In the early morning the discussion about goldmi-
ning in clinical biochemistry continued. Holger Jon
Möller gave us examples of goldmining for a new
biomarker and important thoughts about why only
very few potential biomarkers reach the clinical use.
Ruth Frikke-Schmidt told us about goldmining in
biobanks and Johan Frederik Berg Arendt finished
by giving examples on how to use the laboratory
informatics system for goldmining. We concluded
from these sessions that the data exists in overload
but we have to be very careful in how to consider it…
After lunch (delicious!) the next session about
“P4 molecular medicine, genomics/ metabolomics
approaching the clinical laboratory” started. We
learned about concepts of personalized and precision
medicine, basics of next gene sequencing and exome
versus RNA sequencing. Olli Kallioniemi, Janna Saa-
rela and Torben Falk Örntoft showed us that already
today you can use these technologies to really perso-
nalize treatment in some cases. The day was accom-
panied by good weather and the coffee breaks were
spent mingling in the park. After the last session we
all went for a walk (just in time to miss the heavy rain)
to have a course dinner down by the ocean. Inspired
by the view, drinks and food the discussions about
being a Clinical Biochemist continued.
Day 3: Last day
The session for the last day was named “Communica-
tion, dialogue, teaching, leadership”. The day began
with an inspiring lecture by Per Simonsson about
communication for clinical biochemists, specially the
importance of communication and not only informa-
tion. With stories from his own life Per Simonsson
caught the whole audience and made the topic both
educating and fun.
Anna-Marie Münster continued the session. She is
an experienced leader who has worked in several dif-
ferent organizations, gaining insights that she gladly
shared with the audience. The focus was on leadership
and communication in dynamic organizations. The
session mixed both a traditional lecture with group
exercises that gave the participants the opportunity
to reflect on their own leadership. Ivan Brandslund
then talked about the challenges to manage several
laboratory disciplines in one organization in the Lil-
lebaelt Hospital in Denmark, which has five different
laboratory specialities beneath one roof.
The end of the course…
The course ended with a group discussion about
how the Clinical Biochemist could add value to the
patients followed by all the participants telling why
they got into Clinical Biochemistry and where they
would be in five years.
Then it was time to say goodbye and go home.
Tired after three intensive days, but a little bit wiser,
with some new friends and full of ideas for the future!
We want to thank the course organizer for arrang-
ing this course and we are looking forward to mee-
ting again!
Foto: Helle Borgstrøm Hager.
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