Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Nr 1, vol. 6, 1994 - page 29

Lisbeth Slunga. Serum lipoprotein (a) in relation to
ischemic heart disease and associated risk factors.
Medicin, Universitetet i Umeå. (931022).
Jan Hovdenes.
study of T lymphocytes isolated
from rheumatoid joints with special emphasis on
lymphokine productian (1991). R0de Kors og
Rikshospitalets blodsenter, Postboks 6739 St. Olavs
plass, 0130 Oslo.
Tore Jarl Gutteberg. Lactoferrin as an acute phase
reactant, a study focused on infections and the
acute phase reaction (1991). Mikrobiologisk
avdeling, 9012 Regionsykehuset i Troms0.
Hilde Berner Berntzen. The
protein (calpro–
tectin); biochemical aspects of its subunits and
studies of its importance as a marker of inflamma–
tion in rheumatic diseases (1991). Oslo Sani–
tetsforenings Revmatismesykehus, 0171 Oslo.
Anne P. D0skeland. Regulatory properties of
phenylalanine 4-mono-oxygenase (phenylalanine
hydroxlase) (1991). Biok
emisk institutt, Universi–
tetet i Bergen, 5009 Bergen.
Inge Dale. The human leucocyte
(calprotectin): purification, characterization, and
distribution analyses in blood and tissues (1991).
0283 Oslo.
Jeanette H. Magnus. Isolation and characterization
of amyloid associated glycosaminoglycans and
proteoglycans from human tissues (1991). Rev–
matologisk avdeling, 9038 Regionsykehuset i
Kjersti Skjold R0nningen. HLA associations in
insulin-dependent diabetesmellitus (1991). Institutt
for transplantasjonsimmunologi, Rikshospitalet,
0027 Oslo.
KirstenSundby Hall. Contributions to the treatment
of primary liver cancer. 4'-Epidoxorubicin and
cisplatin studiedin hepatocarcinoma cell cultures
and in partially hepatetomized rats (1991). Kli–
nisk-kjemisk avdeling, Rikshospitalet, 0027 Oslo.
Norden l, 1994
Nilssen. Serumgarnma-glutamyltransferase:
population determinants and diagnostic characte–
ristics in relation to intervention on risk drinkers
(1992). Institutt for samfunnsmedisin, Universite–
tet i Troms0, 9000 Troms0.
Ole P. B0rmer. Immunoassays for cardno-embry–
onie antigen. Specificity and interferences (1992).
Sentrallaboratoriet, Det Norske Radiumhospital,
0310 Oslo.
Gunnar Stake. Estimatian of the glomerular filt–
ration rate in infants and children using iohexol and
X-ray fluorescence technique (1992). Barne–
r0ntgenseksjonen, R0ntgen-Radiumavdelingen,
Rikshospitalet, 0027 Oslo.
Morten Gr0nn. Metabolism of N-3 fatty acids.
Studies of B-oxidation and desaturation in isolated
hepatocytes and human fibroblasts (1992) .
Barneavdelingen, Sentralsykehuset i Akershus,
1474 Nordbyhagen.
Jan Gunnar
jeld. Preclinical evaluationof radiola–
belledmonoclonal antibodies prepared for immuno–
targeting (1992). Klinisk-kjemisk avdeling,
Rikshospitalet, 0027 Oslo.
Anne Hansen Ree. Regulation of estrogen and
glycocorticoid receptors. Novel regulatory
mechanisms in mammary adenocarcinoma cells
and turnor Leydig cells (1993). Institutt for
medisinsk biokjemi, Universitetet i Oslo, Postboks
1112 Blindern, 0317 Oslo.
Gunnar Houge. Regulation and function of cAMP–
dependent protein kinase. Role in cell
growth and cell death (1993). Institutt for anatomi
og cellebiologi, Universitetet i Bergen, Årstadveien
19, 5009 Bergen.
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