Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Nr 2, vol. 20, 2008 - page 6

| 2 | 2008
Klinisk Biokemi i Norden
When this article reaches read-
ers Nordic Congress of Clinical
Chemistry in Helsinki is over. I
do not know if I will have sur-
vived the crescendo and final of
the long and heavy symphony
of organising this meeting but
I certainly do not regret. Many
thanks to all colleagues near and
far away who came and made the
The official list of thanks will be long and I can´t
estimate it in
. However, I do know that without
the help of some key persons during the last months
the congress would not have taken place. Thank You
Tuula Metso, Gunnel Sievers, Henrik Alfthan and of
course Ulf-Håkan Stenman!
Organising a congress with a turnover of several
hundreds of thousands euros and collecting hundreds
of experts from all over the world is a very demanding
hobby. Normally the main responsibility is carried
out by busy professionals having other full time affi-
liations and limited previous experience. Professional
congress organisers provide essential help but they do
not work without detailed contracts and direction.
We have received a lot of information from pre-
vious organisers in Malmö and Copenhagen and I
want to thank them for this. Despite this experience
sharing I think that NFKK could provide a more
formal ”organiser´s package” to support the country
taking the torch for the next congress. We will discuss
this suggestion in the NFKK board.
Besides being a meeting point of Nordic professio-
nals, our biannual congress also summarises the state
of the projects of NFKK. At this point these sum-
maries are still to be heard but we have very exciting
titles in the congress programme. An announcement
for Nordford support to new projects is published in
this issue of KBN. Let´s keep the caravan going and
set goals for the next Nordic Congress in Oslo 2010!!
Nytt från NFKK
Jarkko Ihalainen
NFKK håller sitt styrelsemöte i Helsingfors just
innan kongressen börjar och vi kommer att hålla ett
annat hösten 2008. Vi har fått två nya kolleger till
gruppen. Jag välkomnar varmt Tuula Metso som blir
Finlands nationella representant samt Johan Bjerner
som ansluter sig till styrelsen i egenskap av ny ordfö-
rande för Norsk Selskap for Medisinsk Biokjemi. Jag
tackar de avgående Päivi Laitinen och Kristian Bjerve
för deras stora insats för vårt nordiska samarbete.
Just före kongressen fick vi inom NFKK veta att vår
nyligen avlidna och saknade emerituskollega Lorentz
Eldjarn med hustru har i sina testament lämnat en
mycket märkbar summa pengar till NFKK i syfte att
främja nordisk publikation i SJCLI. Vi återkommer
till Lorentz Eldjarn och priset i KBN i framtida num-
mer. Naturligtvis är Lorentz och Torunn Eldjarn att
tacka för stödet till nordisk vetenskap! Vi på NFKK
är nu förpliktigade att göra vårt bästa för att använda
de här resurserna så effektivt som möjligt.
Foto: Henrik Alfthan. Island.
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