Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Special issue 1990 - page 19

Determination of the Catalytic
Activity Concentration in Serum of
Creatine Kinase (EC, CK)
Based on the Provisional IFCC CK Reference Method (14)
This ECCLS standard is based on the corresponding IFCC refe–
rence Method for determination of CK, which has been adapted
by this ECCLS Committee for routine use in European clinical
chemistry laboratories. This standard recommends reaction
conditions and describes the tolerance limits for variations
in measurement procedures that nevertheless allow routine
determinations of the catalytic activity concentration of CK
to be equivalent to those of the unmodified IFCC CK Reference
For details not given in this standard ·refer to the original
IFCC document, CK, part 7 of the IFCC methods for measurement
of catalytic concentration of enzymes (14).
Klinisk kemi
Norden 2: supp/, 1990
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