Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Nr 2, vol. 7, 1995 - page 34

TheAstrupPrize 1996
The board of the Poul Astrup Foundation, in
cooperation with the Danish Society for Clinical
Chemistry, arranges a prize competition to reward
contemporaryNordie researchwork related to the
field of clinical chemistry. The competition takes
place every seeond year in connection with the
Nordie Congress ofClinical Chemistry.
Researchers or research groups in Seandinavia
are requested to submitanonymouslyanabstractof
a recent scientificworkwith amaximum lengthof
l ,000 words and not more than two illustrations.
The workmust not have been published before in
its present form. Abstracts and a letter stating the
name of the author(s), whichmust be received by
15thJanuary, 1996at the latest, shouldbeaddressed
Mr. Gert Kokholm
Scientific ChiefAdvisor
Åkandevej 21, DK-2700
On Ist April, 1996, a Nordie prize committee
will selectup to fiveofthe submittedcontributions,
to be presented by the authors at the 25th
NordieCongress ofClinicalChemistry,T6rshavn,
theFaroe Islands, 24-27 June, 1996. The speakers
will be reimbursed for all expenses related to
congress participation, travelling (within Scandi–
navia), and accommodation. Research groups are,
therefore, kindly requested to name one repre–
sentative of the group to present the group'swork.
The individual presentation should not exceed
twenty minutes and will be followed by a free
The five works presented are planned to be
published as a supplement to
The Scandinavian
Journal ofClinical
Laboratory lnvestigation.
Basedon the scientificvalueofthepaper, and the
qualityofitsoral presentation, theprizecommittee
will award a first prize of DKK 60,000, and a
seeondprizeofDKK25,000; theother threeworks
will be awardedDKK 5,000 each.
Klinisk Kemi i Norden 2, 1995
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