Afsluttende kommentarer
NPU er en levende laboratoriemedicinsk terminologi,
som overholder de metrologiske principper, der blev
beskrevet for første gang for 50 år siden. På baggrund
af disse principper sikrer NPU terminologien, at labo-
ratoriedata er stabile, sammenlignelige (sporbare),
overførbare og genbrugelige over tid og geografi. Den
kontinuerlige efterspørgsel sørger for, at NPU termi-
nologien altid stræber at være tidssvarende og løser de
fremtidige udfordringer på international plan. Således
vil løsningerne være holdbare og velfunderet.
Der er et behov, både på lokalt og nationalt plan,
for at formidle oplysninger, som f.eks. analysekvalitet,
analysemetode, administrative oplysninger og kliniske
problemstillinger. Men disse oplysninger kan ikke
medtages i en NPU kode p.g.a. NPU terminologiens
fastlagte afgrænsninger. For at formidle disse ønskede
oplysninger på nationalt plan, er det nødvendigt at lave
et terminologisk arbejde, som sikrer, at kommunika-
tionen er entydig og forståelig.
Artikkelen har tidligere vært publisert i DSKB-nyt
nr. 2 2017.
1. Magdal U, Dybkaer R , Olesen H. Properties
and units in the clinical laboratory sciences,
Part XXIII. The NPU terminology, principles
and implementation -a user’s guide (Technical
Report 2011) (IFCC-IUPAC), Clin Chem Lab
Med 2012;50:35-50.
2. Férard G, Fuentes-Arderiu X. Compendium of
Terminology and Nomenclature of Properties
in Clinical Laboratory Sciences : Recommen-
dations 2016, Royal Society of chemistry 2016.
3. NPU Terminologien BRUGERMANUAL, Sta-
tens Serum Institut, 2014.
4. NKN retningslinjer, 2016.
5. Dybkær R, Nomenclature for Properties and
Units (NPU) Fødsel - Udvikling – Fremtid,
Klinisk Biokemi i Norden 2015;27:6.
6. Presley BC, Jansen-Varnum SA, Logan BK.
Analysis of Synthetic Cannabinoids in Botanical
Material: A Review of Analytical Methods and
Findings. Forensic Sci Rev 2013;25: 27-46.
7. Leigh J, InChIs and Registry Numbers, Chemi-
stry International – Newsmagazine for IUPAC,
2012, pp. 1.
The Astrup Prize 2020
Call for abstracts
The Astrup Prize is an educational grant, which is awarded by the Astrup
Foundation and donated by Siemens Healthineers. Scientists (below
the age of 40 years), who have not previously received the Astrup 1st
Prize and who are working in one of the Nordic countries, are invited to
submit an abstract of a recent scientific work with a maximum length of
1,000 words (incl. references) and not more than two illustrations. The
prize rewards contemporary Nordic research work related to the field
of clinical chemistry. The work must be either unpublished or recently
published (defined as published on Pub Med after May 2019). The award
presentation takes place in connection with the Nordic Congress in
Clinical Chemistry in Trondheim, Norway, June 9-12, 2020.
Please note that the deadline for receipt of abstract is Monday, the 2nd
March 2020.
The next two numbers of KBN will contain detailed announcement of
the prize, which can also be found on the NFKK website,