Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Nr 4, vol. 30, 2018 - page 10

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Klinisk Biokemi i Norden · 4 2018
prize competitions, the
Astrup Prize
nor the
Eldjarn Prize Competition for the Best Publication,
would need to compete with parallel sessions. We
succeeded only in half of that.
The final balance of all delegates was 455. Of these
231 were from Finland, 54 from Sweden, 45 fromDen-
mark, 44 from Norway and 1 from Island. As previ-
ously shown (KBN 3/2018 by Henrik Alfthan) probably
nothing can be done with
the registration non-activity
suffered by all of us. There seems to be no
rise in the “congress fever” earlier than the last weeks
prior to the event. We hope that the coming NFKK
congress events could invalidate these scientific find-
ings “LabMed2008
NFKK2018” and cause less
stress for the next organisers. As seen in KBN 3/2018
the two graphs were almost indistinguishable from
each other until the last week in May. Now with the
final figures at hand the trend continued.
The main sponsors were Roche (platinum) and
Abbott (gold). Both companies organised two diagnos-
tic company lectures, additionally Roche the drinking
water bottles. Congress bags and one company lecture
were sponsored by Siemens Healthineers, one com-
pany lecture, congress shirts for the organisers and
note booklet by Perkin Elmer, pencils by Labo-Line,
lanyards by Snibe, one company lecture by Bio-Rad
Laboratories, and one by Thermo Fisher Scientific.
We are thankful for Ortho Clinical Diagnostics for
advertising at the poster area, Mylab Corporation for
the refreshments and cosy tropical atmosphere at the
Get-together Reception, and all companies for their
company advertising in the program booklet. More
than forty companies/organisations had a booth at
the Piazza. Finlandia Hall as a congress venue offered
optimal settings to place the exhibition area in the
meeting zone also for social interactions.
All´s well that ends well. Wishing good luck to the
organisers of the 37
Nordic Congress in Clinical
Chemistry in Trondheim,
Bridging science and clin-
ical care
Yngve & Lars playing Edvard Grieg four-handed.
Foto: Feng Deng.
Mylabar at the Get-together Reception. Foto: Feng Deng.
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