Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Nr 1, vol. 30, 2018 - page 21

Klinisk Biokemi i Norden · 1 2018
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units within the organization could take place in
order to achieve flow and high-performance, suc-
cesses and ultimately fulfill the goals of the orga-
nization (11, 12). The structure of an organization
can be based on bricks or values/goals. Usually, the
types of organizations we are a part of are descri-
bed in organizations charts and are often organized
within “silos” of different specialties, not that often
organized to achieve a common goal which calls for
an interdisciplinary organization. Whatever form, an
organization consists of
with professional and
personal relations.
Does a stable organization exist? Perhaps on paper
as an organization chart, but not likely in reality. The
organization is described as a homeostatic system
(13) and this homeostasis is changing constantly/
dynamically through new employees, new working
procedures and/or technologies etc. It is reinventing
itself constantly, but also needs to be grounded, as
I mentioned earlier, in order to secure stability in a
high-quality and high-throughput production. Juhl
AG and Molly-Søholm T describe the organization
being in a state of “dynamic stable” influenced by the
relations and direction, the conditions and room for
maneuvers (figure 2). To strategically lead changes
within this homeostatic system is not always easy,
but if you master leading the people within your
organization through the changes you might succeed.
Leading change and bringing an organization safe
and sound through the changes has been described
thoroughly by JP Kotter (6, 14). The eight steps to a
successful change have been used in several organ-
izations (figure 2). For me, it has been a useful tool
primarily because it starts with the WHY, what is the
necessity for change, secondarily, because it focusses
on good planning and communication and thirdly,
because it deals with the obstructions being natu-
rally there when you ask people to make changes. If
you can´t answer the why or communicate a strong
vision and strategy or a process plan yourselves, you
don’t know why or where you are heading your-
selves. Working with professional and enthusiastic
staff-members who want to have influence on their
daily work, it is only natural that obstructions might
appear when changes are coming. The staff would
want to understand why we are changing and defi-
nitely the why before the how. Every change will lead
to emotional reactions because most of us don’t want
to change and we don’t know what the change will
bring – will I be out of job or moved frommy favorite
areas? Some might even react with mistrust and will
work against the change and you as a leader (15). It
is my statement that if you don’t address the obstruc-
tions and deals with them within your organization,
the organization will not thrive and be able to sustain
a high quality and high-performance output.
Leadership and communication in a dynamic orga-
nization is, in my point of view, all about four things:
set goals, direction, create followership and accept the
“dynamic stability” in your organization. Invest in
the relations within your organization. Create strong
ownership and team spirit. As a staff, you need to
feel and believe that: “we are in it together, it is our
joined mission”. Nobody follows a title, just because
of the title, they would want to follow a vision and
a trustworthy person who has a genuine interest in
other people and as Michael Jordan, a very famous
basketball played, once said: “Talent wins games,
but teamwork and intelligence win championships”,
and who wouldn’t want to be on the winning team?
Context of system
Context homeostase
Organization as a homeostatic system
Frame of reference
Reproduced with permission from: Juhl AG and Molly-
Søholm T. Systemisk ledelse i praksis: en empirisk undersø-
gelse. In Systemisk ledelse- teori og praksis. Molly-Søholm T,
Stegeager N, Willert S (eds.). Samfundslitteratur 2011.
Figure 4
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