Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Nr 4, vol. 29, 2017 - page 12

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Klinisk Biokemi i Norden · 4 2017
Foto: Henrik Alfthan.
Recent Advances in Clinical Mass Spectrometry
Professor Ravinder Singh, the director of the Mayo
Clinic Endrocrine Laboratory in Rochester, MN,
USA, is also the leading expert in application of
liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
(LC-MS/MS) to clinical laboratory analysis. Many of
the methods that Dr. Singh developed are now con-
sidered reference methods. They have subsequently
been utilized for method standardization efforts as
well as to establish clinical disease correlates. Dr.
Singh has focused on development of novel LC-MS/
MS methods and increasing throughput of the meth-
ods in the clinical laboratory. In his plenary talk Dr.
Singh will tell us about the latest advances in clinical
mass spectrometry.
Post-Analytical Quality Symposium:
Clinical lab-
oratories have improved their quality over the years,
mainly analytical quality. As important are the
pre- and post-analytical processes. The post-ana-
lytic phase is the final phase of the total laboratory
process. It comprises all steps from verification and
review of the results to reporting the results and their
interpretation by the clinician. In the symposium we
hear lectures on what needs to be considered when
improving the post-analytical quality by Elvar The-
odorsson and Sverre Sandberg among others.
Impact of laboratory tests symposium:
We labora-
torians have recognized the importance of labora-
tory medicine in the diagnosis and care of patients.
We have improved our processes, pre-analytical,
analytical and post-analytical to enable faster and
more accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of
the patients as well as risk assessment and screening
of healthy persons for a latent disease. However, the
so-called 70% claim indicating the value of labora-
tory medicine, has been widely used to describe the
value of laboratory medicine. In this symposium
we will hear lectures on the evidence of the value of
Other symposia will be presented in the next issue of
Klinisk Biokemi i Norden
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