Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Nr 3, vol. 28, 2016 - page 6

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Klinisk Biokemi i Norden · 3 2016
Foto: Helle B. Hager.
telefon kommer aldri på disse kursene. Det gjenstår
å se om telefonsamtalen vil ha noen effekt. Det er vel
optimistisk å tro at en enkelt telefonsamtale vil endre
så mye, men det føles i hvert fall godt å ha sagt ifra.
Det er vanskelig å styre bruken av det som tilsyne-
latende er uten restriksjoner eller kostnader. Bairds
tre regler for bruk av laboratorieprøver (5) kan ikke
gjentas for ofte:
• If you ask a stupid question, you get a stupid answer
• Laboratory testing is for sick people
• Too many good tests are the same as one bad test
1. Lang T. National Minimum Re‐testing Inter-
val Project. A final report detailing consensus
recommendations for minimum re‐testing
intervals for use in Clinical Biochemistry.
Assoc Clin Biochem 2013:1-31.
2. Waldron JL, Ford C, Dobie D, Danks G,
Humphrey R, Rolli A, et al. An automated
minimum retest interval rejection rule reduces
repeat CRP workload and expenditure, and
influences clinician-requesting behaviour. J
Clin Pathol 2014;67:731-3.
3. Lippi G, Brambilla M, Bonelli P, Aloe R,
Balestrino A, Nardelli A, et al. Effectiveness
of a computerized alert system based on re-
testing intervals for limiting the inappropria-
teness of laboratory test requests. Clin Biochem
4. Larsson A, Biom S, Wernroth ML, Hulten G,
Tryding N. Effects of an education programme
to change clinical laboratory testing habits
in primary care Scand J Prim Health Care.
5. Baird G. The laboratory test utilization
management toolbox. Biochemia medica.
1,2,3,4,5 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,...48
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