Klinisk Biokemi i Norden Nr 2, vol. 26, 2014 - page 8

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KliniskBiokemi i Norden · 2 2014
TheXXXIVthNordicClinical ChemistryCongress
Göteborg, Sweden, September 16-19, 2014
OlaHammarsten, Chairman of the ScientificCommittee
Oneof thehighlightsofourNordic
cooperation is theNordicClinical
Society for Clinical Biochemistry
andLaboratoryMedicine ishono-
red to host this congress in 2014.
The congress will take place on
September 16-19, 2014, in Göte-
borg, Sweden.
The Scientific Committee is now finalizing the
programwith theoverall theme“
in clinical chemistry
,” that canbe viewed indetail on
the official website, www. nfkk2014.se/.
The meeting will open with a healthy west coast-
inspired lunch, a seminar discussing the medical
implications of howwe eat, why antioxidants might
harmyouandhow thegut floraaffectsyourhealth, fol-
lowedbyagenerousWelcomeReceptionhostedby the
CityofGöteborg and theRegionofVästraGötaland.
The themes for the secondday are cardiology and
technology.The first speakerof thedaywillbeProfes-
sorBertilLindahl fromUppsalawho summarizes the
latest in biomarkers for the diagnosis ofmyocardial
infarction. This is followed by a seminar on novel
biomarkers able to predict the likelihood of develo-
ping cardiac disease. In the afternoonwe will learn
about new diagnostic cardiac biomarkers including
a novel application of copeptin/ADH and its use in
the emergencyward.
The technology theme involvesmorning seminars
onchallenges inpoint-of-care testingandnovel tech-
nologieswithexisting laboratoryapplications. In the
afternoon, professor Fredrik Höök from Chalmers
of the technological forefront.The technology theme
will close with a seminar on howNext Generation
Sequencing will change our ability to diagnose and
predictdisease.This seminarwill alsocover thequa-
lity control and ethical implications of next genera-
tion sequencing when applied in the clinic. Should
wealways communicatedisease-linkedmutations to
the patient? Is there a need for consensus on ethical
The thirddaywill havehematological and labora-
tory organization themes and opens with a plenary
session by Professor Ebba Nexö, Aarhus, who once
and for all will teach us how to diagnose B12 defi-
ciency. Seminars in the morning and in the after-
noon will cover the diagnosis of disorders of iron
chemistry inMölndal, oneof the leading laboratories
in the field, will host a seminar where international
expertswilldiscussbiomarkers inneurodegenerative
The future clinical laboratory is expected to rely
even more on collaborations between physicians,
laboratory technicians and clinical chemists. Two
seminars will therefore illustrate good examples of
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